Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Would you like some Ham?

The other day, Sister Richards and I were running around like crazy. This isn't an unusual occurance, we are often quite busy, but this particular day we forgot to plan in time to eat. *For a little background info, I am not the kindest person on the planet when I am hungry. In fact, some people have been known to avoid me when I haven't eaten for a little while. It is a shortcoming I work very diligently on . . . once a month . . . when I fast . . .*

We went about our day normally, teaching people, and meeting new people. We went to the Washington D.C. Temple Visitor Center in the evening and got home a little bit early. We had about 40 minutes of un-planned time. We were hungry, tired, and incredibly idea-less. I don't think I have ever been closer to giving up and sitting on the wet snowy ground and just crying.
We knew that we had to do something or go somewhere. Praying seemed like the only thing to do. As we did so, an idea, a name of a family, came to mind! We quickly drove over to their house realizing if they weren't home we REALLY didn't know what to do. We knocked on their door and the father of the family answered the door. The very first thing he did was say,

 "Sisters! Would you like some Ham?"


I have rarely felt more powerfully that God is there. He wants what is best for each and every one of us. If He will arrange so that 2 random, sometimes slightly scatterbrained, missionaries have something to eat, then I know He will help us to take care of the bigger and more pressing issues in life. I am so grateful to know that my Heavenly Father is there for me. I know He is there for each one of you as well. If you are struggling to find him, don't hesitate to get on your knees and ask for a little help! His tender mercies are there!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Perfect Timing

Sometimes, we recognize the Tender Mercies of the Lord because of his timing. The other day God's timing was just right for Sister Richards and I to be a tender mercy.

We have been playing a Christmas Gram to most of the people we have visited this past week. Sister Richards plays the Violin and I read from Luke 2. We were visiting someone and felt like we should knock on another door. We did so and offered to share our 'gram' with her. She said she would love to hear it. We did our 8 minute presentation during which she started to tear up. When we were finished she shared that just 10 minutes ago her uncle had passed away and she had always wanted to have somebody come and play music in her house.

I am so grateful that God allowed me to be part of this experience in comforting one of his Children. It was a wonderful Christmas Present to me. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas too!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

THE Tender Mercy

This week Sister Richards and I have been preforming a short 'Christmas Program'. My wonderfully talented companion plays the Violin and I read from Luke chapter 2, so, as you can imagine, I have been thinking a lot about the birth of Christ. The wonderful gift that our loving Heavenly Father gave to ALL the world. In conjunction with this blog, I was trying to decide if I could really count Jesus Christ as a tender mercy. He is the Son of God, the Savior and the Redeemer of the World! Tender Mercy just seems a little...weak...to describe the gift of the Son of God. The more I thought about it, about His character and actions, the more I realized He truly is a Tender Mercy. Think about Him with the woman caught in adultery, with the little children, washing His disciples feet. Is there anyone who is more Tender? Is there anyone who is more Merciful? There isn't. I am so grateful at this time to be a missionary, to be able to testify of the miraculous birth of the grandest Tender Mercy that God has given us, His son, Jesus Christ.

I hope you all have a FANTASTIC Christmas season and take a few moments to thank God for the Tender Mercies you see in your life!

Friday, December 13, 2013

December 13, 2013

"...But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the Tender Mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance." -1st Nephi 1:20

Hello! My name is Sister Andrea Call. This is one of my FAVORITE Scriptures of all time. As a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints one thing I have learned is that the Tender Mercies of the Lord really ARE all around us.
Has there ever been a time in your life when you just needed peace or comfort? During that time was there a song or a friend who said just the right thing and didn't even know it? These Tender Mercies of the Lord are all around and I am so excited to share some of my experiences with you! I know that God's hand is in each of our lives and if we just look for those small 'coincidences' we will see him more and more. The Tender Mercies of the Lord a talk by David A. Bednar is one of my favorites on the subject.

What Tender Mercies have you seen recently? I know that He has been working in your life no matter how much you think he isn't!