Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Would you like some Ham?

The other day, Sister Richards and I were running around like crazy. This isn't an unusual occurance, we are often quite busy, but this particular day we forgot to plan in time to eat. *For a little background info, I am not the kindest person on the planet when I am hungry. In fact, some people have been known to avoid me when I haven't eaten for a little while. It is a shortcoming I work very diligently on . . . once a month . . . when I fast . . .*

We went about our day normally, teaching people, and meeting new people. We went to the Washington D.C. Temple Visitor Center in the evening and got home a little bit early. We had about 40 minutes of un-planned time. We were hungry, tired, and incredibly idea-less. I don't think I have ever been closer to giving up and sitting on the wet snowy ground and just crying.
We knew that we had to do something or go somewhere. Praying seemed like the only thing to do. As we did so, an idea, a name of a family, came to mind! We quickly drove over to their house realizing if they weren't home we REALLY didn't know what to do. We knocked on their door and the father of the family answered the door. The very first thing he did was say,

 "Sisters! Would you like some Ham?"


I have rarely felt more powerfully that God is there. He wants what is best for each and every one of us. If He will arrange so that 2 random, sometimes slightly scatterbrained, missionaries have something to eat, then I know He will help us to take care of the bigger and more pressing issues in life. I am so grateful to know that my Heavenly Father is there for me. I know He is there for each one of you as well. If you are struggling to find him, don't hesitate to get on your knees and ask for a little help! His tender mercies are there!

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