Friday, September 19, 2014

A Missing Phone

    The other day, my companion and I were walking to go visit someone, there weren't any parking spaces close to where we were going so we drove down the street a ways to park and walked the rest of the way. As we were walking we were talking to people and we came to a man that was rummaging through the trunk of his car. He had a bottle sticking out of his pocket, so to start a conversation I asked if he had a baby. He looked up and smiled and said he had a daughter.

  We started talking to him and found out he had lost his phone. We called it for him hoping we would be able to hear it and find it, or if it wasn't there that somebody would pick up and he could meet them to get it back, but we were disappointed on both accounts. We talked some more and got to know a little bit more about who he was and where he was from (somewhere in South America) and finally as we were about to leave I had the thought to call again. We did and this time someone answered...speaking Spanish! Since I know almost no Spanish beyond Hola and Burrito, I hurried and gave the phone to the man so he could talk to them and arrange to get his phone. When he finished the conversation he handed the phone back to us, thanked us and ran off to reclaim his lost cell-phone. Later he gave us a call to let us know he got it back and to thank us!

I was so happy that we could be a part of this small tender mercy from Heavenly Father. I know that God is watching out for all of us and that He even cares about the small things in our lives.

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