Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Just a few thoughts :)

    This morning while I was thinking about my goals for this New Year, namely my goal to continue developing my personal relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ, I started thinking about the past year. 2013 brought a lot of changes in my life, good changes that I know were led by God, but very hard in some aspects. Leaving the family and friends that I love so much to do something I wasn't sure I wanted to do in first place was a choice that I had to make. I am forever grateful for that choice because of where it has led me today.
     Early in my mission I recieved some advice that has been a tender mercy to me since. My wonderful friend told me about an experience she had a few months ago that was hard for her. She talked about pleading with God to take away the challenge that he had given her, but that as long as he wanted her there, she would be there. That really hit me. I knew that God had called me here, I KNEW it. I had never felt something so strongly in my life. I knew that I had the choice to either do what I knew God wanted me to do, or to give up and go home. She continued in her e-mail with suggestions of what would help me to swallow my bitter cup.
     She reminded me that our Savior has given everything for us. I realized then that this 'sacrifice' that I am making is completly insignificant compared to what He has done for us. It brings to mind the scripture "The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he"?
    My goal for this year is to become consecrated, to not just sacrifice, but to consecrate my life to God and to serve him the way he would have me serve. I invite all who read this to think about the things that they can do to be just a little bit more like the person God knows they can become!

Also...for anyone who is going through a hard time, a quote from my wonderfully wise friend, "Add some sugar to your bitter cup and focus on the sweet things. It might still be hard to swallow but it won't be quite so bitter".
A reminder of the beauty of God's world.

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